So yeah- cloth diapering has come a long way since we were kids. And no, I don't use those foldy ones that required two inch pins to come within millimeters of your baby's wee little hip bone (called pre-folds... though they are still around, and are super affordable). The diapers I use look exactly like your basic Pampers diapers- except way cuter. The have velcro tabs, just like a disposable, but they are incredibly softer, and let me tell you, can hold a ton more crap.
Shockingly- or not- the reason I cloth diaper is not because I am being eco-friendly. The biggest reason is in the Benjamins; I'm no mathemagician, but I can tell you that I spent somewhere around $400-$500 on Austin's entire stash of diapers,wipes and accessories... and I bought some of the expensive ones. These are diapers that not only can she wear until the glorious day she is potty-trained, but I can also use them again someday for baby deux. On average, a baby goes through 3,000 diaper changes in the first year (I know, right? what the crap? LITERALLY), so disposables would run you about $600-$800- and this does not include the cost of disposable wipes (just for a reference though- without coupons, a pack of 64 is running $3-$4 at Publix these days) . Multiply these numbers by the number of years your kiddo is in diapers, then by how many kiddos you plan on having, and you will see there is genius in my madness.
The other two biggest reasons I have chosen to cloth diaper- pure cuteness factor, and reduced trash coming out of our house. I personally loathe "characters" on everything baby, and avoid them like WHOA. Why is Elmo on my newborn's arse? Can you please tell me why I have to buy a diaper with Mickey and Goofy picnicking between the velcro tabs? Mr. Man, can you not wait until she is at least two to bombard her with your marketing? Instead, wouldn't you want one of these adorable prints to grace your baby's bum?:

So, anyway, in short, I am admitting I am addicted. I plan to write a "part-2" post concerning the specifics of how the process works, i.e., what happens to the poop, how to wash, and how the hubs feels about it. I also want to credit some of the many interweb resources I used to make my decision and get our family started. Its a lot of information. But I swear cloth diapering is easier than beating Kyle at Rock-Paper-Scissors.
I leave you with a picture of the princess helping me fold up her freshly-washed fluffy butt stash:

You are the reason that I will be cloth diapering any babies in our future :)
Wow. I wish I had done my research. Good for you!! Those do look really cute and probably easy enough to wash. I'm always doing loads of kid laundry everyday anyways... You are totally right about the money. After 3 kids, I don't even want to think about how much I've spent...especially cause my boys seem to take a long time to potty train. Since I'm not having anymore, I'll just have to pass this info down to my friends and family. Thanks for the great blog!!
So proud of you Erin. Smart and eco-friendly!!
Totally approved. Your hippie days may be behind you, but eco-friendliness is KEY. As is wallet-friendliness. Nice work, ADORABLE photo!